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Jenny Walker

Spring In The Studio

It’s been a busy time here at Cornerstone Therapies, and it’s always good to share news of updates and changes. As well as bringing you blogs about health and wellbeing, new thoughts and research on Friday’s, I also want to bring you in on all the gossip about life at the studio. These more relaxed blogs will be posted on Tuesdays, so make sure you are subscribed and they can simply pop into your inbox.

As I write this, I am lounging on my sofa with a sleeping cat, (Finchley), by my feet. The sunset is all duck egg blue, fuchsia pink, with grey wisps of the evening; a perfect end to a rather busy Monday that has been packed full of learning new skill sets, (the main one being how not to bang coffee cups during an audio recording. Jeremy’s ears are still recovering.)

Over the past week, we have officially moved our podcast, Therapy Unwound, into The Booth! We have been planning the move for the past four months, and to see the paint go up on the walls, get exasperated with self-assembly furniture, and work out where to hang the coats and bags has been such fun. It’s the little things that make it so meaningful, and for me, it’s been seeing the team start to enjoy getting their feet under the desks. The Booth is fast becoming our main room to meet and plan over coffee, which means that I am getting to know the visions that the whole team have for the project of Therapy Unwound. To be surrounded by creative people who want to make this dream a reality is a fantastic energy to be around.

Therapy Unwound is really finding its flow, and The Booth is also hosting interviews for my own research project during the next couple of weeks. I am asking a select group of professionals to come and record their opinions around perceptions of advanced clinical massage therapy within the healthcare industry. It’s been eye-opening to hear such candid attitudes voiced, and I am energized by their passionate ideas on how to improve physical rehabilitation. The research project is anything but dull, and being able to thematically analyze the transcripts will be a time of thought-provoking conclusions being made; I am excited to find the main issues that have been brought to the table.

Jeremy, Sophie and Briony are also working on welcoming others to come and record their own podcasts in The Booth; offering marketing, production and design for all who want to launch their own online media. It will be great to see the team develop the workflow for others, and I am excited to see this part of the business launch over the summer. To be able to open The Booth is a huge part of our vision, and I still find it overwhelming to think that we are in a position to help other small businesses grow and find their voice online. What a blessing to be able to share with others!

In the studio at Cornerstone Therapies, there have been some little changes over the past month as well. As we all start to work out how life is going to pan out during the mid-point of the lockdown easing, it is clear to me that the studio needs to offer different time schedules for treatments. As I no longer work in the evenings, (I blame age catching up on me, as my last birthday was a biggy), I am going to start session times at 9 am. This means that if you need to work throughout the rest of the day, you don’t need to wait until 10:30 for the studio to open! (To book online, simply click the link and we can schedule your next appointment.)

As we move into May, (and in the UK that means two long bank holidays that bracket the month), I spent some time yesterday looking forward to the new month and came up with five things I am looking forward to:

  1. Seeing my friends and family inside a pub, instead of freezing our butts off in the garden.

  2. Finishing my MSc in Rehabilitation

  3. Tasting the first of the summer foods; British asparagus has just come onto the market stall and is delicious!

  4. Waking up to hear the dawn chorus, which is the best way to start the day.

  5. Seeing my cat start to sunbathe on warmer days

What are you all looking forward to in May? Comment below and let us know; it’s always so good to hear from you.

With blessings, Jenny


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